Imaginary numbers

  • Invented to solve problems where an equation has no real roots e.g. x2+16=0, the idea of declaring the existence of a quantity i such that i2=1 allows us to express the solution as

The set represented by I defines an imaginary number as


Powers of i

If i2=1 then i4=i2i2=11=1

Therefore we have the sequence


Complex numbers

A complex number is just the sum of a real and an imaginary number


Operations on complex numbers

Given two complex numbers


Addition and subtraction



z1z2=a1a2+a1b2i+a2b1i+b1b2i2given that i2=1=(a1a2b1b2)+(a1b2+b1a2)i

Given the complex number


Norm (modulus or absolute value)


Complex conjugate

The product of two complex numbers where the only difference between them is the sign of the imaginary part is


This quantity abi is called the complex conjugate of z (denoted as z), it implies that




Multiplying the numerator and denominator with the conjugate of z (so that we have a real part on the denominator)


Square root of i

We’re trying to find a complex number z such that


Assuming that z is the complex number z=a+bi




Equaling real and imaginary parts


Therefore a=±b, replacing a=b in the second equation we obtain 2b2=1 which is not satisfied by any real number b therefore the case a=b is impossible, replacing a=b in the second equation we obtain 2a2=1 so


Finally the value of i is


The value of i is found in the same way (by replacing b=a in the equation 2ab=1 found from multiplying (1) by 1)


Matrix representation of a complex number

The matrix C for a complex number is the sum of two other matrices representing the real R and imaginary I parts:


which can be written as


Where R=1 and I=i

The matrix representation of R=1 in 2d is the identity matrix


To find the matrix representation of i we have to analyze the definition of i which is a quantity which squares to 1, given that we already know the value of 1 in matrix form


Squaring the following matrix gives the matrix above, then the value of i expressed in matrix form is


Finally the value of C is


The complex plane

The powers of i give rise to the sequence (1,i,1,i,1,) which is quite similar to the pattern (x,y,x,y,x,), the resemblance is no coincidence as complex number belong to a 2-dimensional plane, this complex plane allows us to visualize complex numbers using the horizontal axis for the real part and the vertical axis for the imaginary part

−6−5−4−3−2−10123456−3 i−2 i−1 i0 i1 i2 i3 i

We can see that the positions of i0=1,i1=i,i2=1,i3=i, suggest that the multiplication of a complex number by i is equivalent to rotating through 90 degrees


−6−5−4−3−2−10123456−3 i−2 i−1 i0 i1 i2 i3 i

A complex number is rotated ±90 by multiplying it by ±i

Let’s graph the roots of i=±12(1+i)

−6−5−4−3−2−10123456−3 i−2 i−1 i0 i1 i2 i3 i

We can see that 12(1+i) is exactly at 45 and 12(1+i) is exactly at 225

Let’s multiply the complex number 2+i by i (it should rotate it by 45)

−6−5−4−3−2−10123456−3 i−2 i−1 i0 i1 i2 i3 i

Multiplying z2 by i again should be equal to multiplying z1 by i (because z2 is already rotated by 45)


Which is exactly what we find if we multiply zi by i, these observations suggest that we can build a complex number which can rotate another complex number by any angle

A complex number is rotated 45 by multiplying it by 12+12i

A complex number is rotated 225 by multiplying it by 12+12i

Polar representation

Instead of using coordinates in the complex plane we can represent a polar number with the length of the vector from the origin to the complex coordinate and the angle between the complex vector and the positive real axis


The horizontal component of z is then rcos(θ) and the vectical component is rsin(θ), expressing the complex number using these quantities


Euler provided the identity


Which allows us to represent any complex number as


Given two polar numbers


Their product is


Which effectively rotated the complex number z by ϕ angles! However the quantity zw was scaled s units, to avoid scalling we can normalize w (i.e. making r=1 which is equal to (2))

A rotor is a complex number that rotates another complex number by an angle θ (through multiplication) and has the form


Rotating a complex number x+yi by an angle θ


Which in matrix form is


Note that because of the way the complex product is defined, the multiplication between two complex numbers commutes
