Bezout’s identity

For non-zero integers a and b, let d be the greatest common divisor d=gcd(a,b). Then there exists integers x and y such that


If a and b are relatively prime then gcd(a,b)=1 and by Bezout’s Identity there are integers x and y such that


Example: 3x+8y=1, one solution is x=3 and y=1

Extended Euclidean Algorithm

See divisibility for more details.


 * Computes the values `x` and `y` for the equation
 *    ax + by = gcd(a, b)
 * Given that `a` and `b` are positive integers
 * @param {int} a
 * @param {int} b
 * @param {int} x
 * @param {int} y
 * @returns {int} gcd(a, b)
int extended_euclidean(int a, int b, int &x, int &y) {
  if (b == 0) {
    x = 1;
    y = 0;
    return a;
  int x1, y1;
  int gcd = extended_euclidean(b, a % b, x1, y1);
  x = y1;
  y = x1 - a / b * y1;
  return gcd;

 * Alternative version using a vector of ints
 * Computes the values x and y for the equation
 *    ax + by = gcd(a, b)
 * @returns {vector<int>} A triplet with the values (gcd(a, b), x, y)
vector<int> extended_euclidean(int a, int b) {
  if (b == 0) {
    // base case:
    // b divides a so a(1) + b(0) = a
    return vector<int> {a, 1, 0};
  vector<int> t = extended_euclidean(b, a % b);
  int gcd = t[0];
  int x1 = t[1];
  int y1 = t[2];
  return vector<int> {gcd, y1, x1 - a / b * y1};


Diophantine equations

Equations with integer variables and coefficients are called Diophantine equations, the simplest non-trivial linear equation has the form


Where a,b,c are given integers and x,y are unknown integers

Using the extended Euclidean algorithm it’s possible to find x and y given that c is divisible by gcd(a,b) otherwise the equation has no solutions, this follows the fact that a linear combination of two numbers continue to be divided by their common divisor, starting with (1)


multiplying it by cgcd(a,b)


then one of the solutions is given by




we can find all of the solutions replacing x0 by x0+bgcd(a,b) and y0 by y0agcd(a,b)


This process could be repeated for any number in the form


Where kZ

 * Computes the integer values `x` and `y` for the equation
 *    ax + by = c
 * if `c` is not divisible by `gcd(a, b)` then there isn't a valid solution,
 * otherwise there's an infinite number of solutions, (`x`, `y`) form one pair
 * of the set of possible solutions
 * @param {int} a
 * @param {int} b
 * @param {int} c
 * @param {int} x
 * @param {int} y
 * @returns {bool} True if the equation has solutions, false otherwise
bool linear_diophantine_solution(int a, int b, int c, int &x, int &y) {
  int gcd = extended_euclidean(abs(a), abs(b), x, y);
  if (c % gcd != 0) {
    // no solutions since c is not divisible by gcd(a, b)
    return false;
  x *= c / gcd;
  y *= c / gcd;
  if (a < 0) { x *= -1; }
  if (b < 0) { y *= -1; }
  return true;

Modular multiplicative inverse

See Modular Arithmetic for more info.

Linear congruence equations

A linear congruence is a congruence (modp) of the form


By the definition of the congruence relation maxb


Reordering the equation


Which is a linear diophantine equation discussed above, it’s solvable only if b is divisible by gcd(a,m), additionally gcd(a,m) tells us the number of distinct solutions in the ring of integers modulo m