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Mauricio Poppe's blog

Hi 👋, my name is Mauricio and this is my blog where I write notes about Life, Math and Computer Science.

There's a hidden easter egg in this page,
let me know if you found it 😄.

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.

Made with

Hugo and Tailwind. Hosted on Netlify.

© 2015 - 2025


edit_note Documenting my life
Ordinary moments don't have a value right now but they will value over time. I decided to document my life doing journaling, taking photos and making vlogs.
falling Bachata
I love listening to bachata, dancing bachata, playing bachata. I'm recording my journey here.
inventory Productivity skills
Techniques to get better use of my computer time at work and at home.
graph_5 Intro to Graph Theory
Showing animated graphs, it led me to write greuler, a library to do animations with graphs.
function Intro to Calculus
My very first note!, it sparked the idea to write function plot, a library to plot functions.
grid_on Transformation Matrix for 3d to 2d projection
The math behind the transformation matrices for Orthographic projection and Perspective projection. It has nice demos with ThreeJS.
deployed_code_history Implementing Promises from Scratch
I wrote a test driven A+ Promise implementation from scratch.


edit_square Notes
The notes I wrote since 2015.

Documenting my life

Life goes by fast, I want to do my best to remember it.
music_note Music Covers
I like to perform in open mics where I sing and play my guitar.


function function plot
A JS library to plot functions in 2d.
graph_5 greuler
A JS library to draw graph animations.
3d_rotation quickhull3d
A JS library to find the convex hull of a set of 3d points.
laptop_car City Car Drive
A ThreeJS demo where you can drive a car around a city.
data_array interval arithmetic
A JS library to do arithmetic on intervals.
note_alt My blog
This blog and its source code.
docs My dotfiles
My dotfiles which I use at work and home, always a work in progress.
share Links
I made a linktree clone with all my links.